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Our Technology

We try to do our best to use cutting edge technologies to serve our patient at
extrem level.These include but not limited to:

Mini implant

Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) have been investigated, in an effort to overcome some of the side effects associated with tooth-borne distalizing appliances.Dental implants, miniscrews, and miniplates have been used for skeletal anchorage.


 Invisalign is a popular option for orthodontictreatment, particularly among adults.Until recently, Align Technology has recommended that a new aligner be worn every two weeks; more frequent changes were believed to result in a loss of aligner tracking and potential treatment delays.

Dolphin 3D

The Dolphin 3D software is a powerful tool that makes processing 3D data extremely simple, enabling dental specialists from a wide variety of disciplines to diagnose, plan treatment, document and present cases.


Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances causes an increased risk of enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets.However, little information is avaliable about preventive measures that do not rely on patients' compliance.
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